Do we have the right to free speech? The right to privacy? The right to security? The same rights that have protected our democracy for generations are now in jeopardy in the most unlikely of places: online. The Internet may appear to be an open forum, but behind closed doors, a war is being waged between corporations and governments for control of the virtual universe, affecting the way we access the Internet, the content we can post, the sites we cInternetan see, and the security of the data we send. The harsh truth is that few of us possess any real knowledge about how the Internet works. Though the United States invented this marvel, our complacency has put this country behind. As technology advances, our infrastructure has declined. As the world becomes more connected, our rights have become more restricted. It's time to take a stand. In this fight for our online rights, who will win the War for the Web? Written by Ben Caspi
Terms and Conditions May Apply is a documentary that discusses how corporations and the government utilize the information that users provide when agreeing to browse a website, install an application or purchase goods online.
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Terms And Conditions May Apply examines the cost of so-called 'free' services and the continuing disappearance of online privacy. People may think they know what they give up when they click 'I Agree' on companies like Facebook and Google. They're wrong.