The story of John, a small time crook, who finds an unlikely accomplice in Louis, a newly-orphaned teenage boy. As their open-road adventure progresses and John drags the kid on a string of robberies, the pair forge an unexpected and powerful bond.
Showing posts with label crook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crook. Show all posts
October 24, 2015
March 23, 2015
Small Time Crooks (2000) Trailer
Small Time Crooks
They took a bite out of crime.
Small Time Crooks is a 2000 American crime-comedy film directed, written, and starring Woody Allen, along with actresses Elaine May and Tracey Ullman as well as actor Hugh Grant.
Watch the Trailer!
apartment building,
Hugh Grant,
new york city,
Small Time Crooks,
three word title,
Tracey Ullman,
Woody Allen,
written and directed by cast member
June 22, 2014
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