This quirky, coming-of-age cult classic from acclaimed Swedish director Lasse Hallstrom tells the story of Ingemar, a 12-year-old working-class boy sent to live with his childless aunt and uncle in a country village after his mother falls gravely ill. The year is 1959, and Ingemar (Anton Glanzelius) is fixated by two major events - his namesake fighting for the World Heavyweight boxing title; and the fate of Laika, a dog sent into space by the Soviets. Fatherless and faced with his mother's imminent death, Ingemar identifies with Laika's journey into the unknown as he searches for a place among his eccentric new family - often with hilarious results. Winner of the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film, and nominated for two Academy Awards, My Life as a Dog is one of the most tender, nostalgic portraits of childhood ever put to film.
A janitor at a summer camp is accidently burned severely from a prank. Years later, he is released from an institute, and returns to the camp with a pair of hedge clippers to take revenge on the campers. Written by Humberto Amador