December 29, 2014

The Einstein of Sex (1999) Trailer

Der Einstein des Sex

Discover the Theory of Sexuality...Relatively Speaking.

The Einstein of Sex: Life and Work of Dr. M. Hirschfeld (GermanDer Einstein des Sex) is a 1999 German film directed by Rosa von Praunheim.

Watch the Trailer!

A brief intro to the 1999 Rosa Von Praunheim film about the life of Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld (1868 - 1935). Dr. Hirschfeld was a gay Jewish Dr. and the first person to go into the field of the study of human sexuality. His clinic was in Berlin but it was destroyed by the Nazis during the 1930's. Fortunately, Dr. Hirschfeld escaped out of Germany, but died of a heart attack in France in 1935.

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