Showing posts with label Victory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victory. Show all posts

November 06, 2014

Suworow (1941)


Suvorov (RussianСуворов) is a 1941 Soviet film directed by Vsevolod Pudovkin and Mikhail Doller, based on the life of Russian general Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1729 – 1800), one of the few great generals in history who never lost a battle. 

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Primarily a biographical documentary about the military career of Alexander Vasilvich Suvorov, who was Field Marshal of the armies of Catherine the Great and Czar Paul I. After many military successes during the reign of Catherine, General Suvorov broke with her successor, Paul I, the Mad Emperor, over questions regarding army policy. He went into retirement and wrote "The Science of Victory," containing maxims such as "Swiftness of movement accompanies victory," and "the real general is he who defeats the enemy before reaching him." The czar recalled Suvorov to become the leader of the joint armies of Rissia and Austria against Napoleon. Written by Les Adams <>

October 26, 2014

Waterloo (1970) Trailer


The Men, the Battle, The Glory, The World Will Remember Forever

Waterloo (RussianВатерлоо) is a 1970 Soviet-Italian film directed by

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After defeating France and imprisoning Napoleon on Elba. Europe is shocked to find Napoleon has escaped.
 The best of the British generals, the Duke of Wellington, never beat Napolean before, Wellington stands between Napoleon with a makeshift Anglo-Allied army and the Prussians. A Napoleon victory will plunge 
Europe back into a long term war. An allied victory could bring long term peace to Europe. The two meet
 at Waterloo where the fate of Europe will be decided.


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